I went to bed a LITTLE earlier last night...(1:45am)
My computer WAS at Blogspot.com, but I swear I was doing APUSH quesetions and Salibian's chem hw...
I decided to do homework over blog ]:
Just ignore the CLOSED chem book...I took the pic after I finally finished everything.
(Didn't have time to blog that night & I KNOW, my desk is messy ]: )
I've been freakin busy lately...I actually did my APUSH questions and my chemistry homework. I have learned my lesson. LOL. I actually discovered that doing them yourself helps you learn them. No wonder... o well HAHA. I haven't written or said much the past couple of days. But it's all good. I have time now, thanks to the weekend...And so the thing I like about this blog is there's no particular topic.
Catching up...
Philly cheese steak sandwich...
don't remember how or where I got it but...
Salibian making the answer key...
Real quick summary...
- Burrito time late at night. At school, all around...pretty much. A lot of burritos.
- Grabbed a phili cheese steak sandwich...from someone...somewhere.
- Salibian offers me extra credit to grade quizzes. SWEET. heh hehe.- Nilla wafers in mandarin - compliments of Chubs.
- Pics of my asian lotus, Kenji
- Free sandwich, trail mix bar, peppermint oreos...a gift from Isabella
- Mitchell forms a WTE!? (What The Earth!?) Theory, explaining why the human race is doomed unless we mate with birds and evolve...eventually with the ability to fly...you can ask him more about it.
- Me and my sister made curry together even though there wasn't enough rice for the both of us...I used a hotdog bun...T.T It wasn't until after the fact that I discovered that was a bad idea, that we thought of another alternative...noodles.
So I was talking to Isabella in Chemistry...Maybe about doing a "Life with the Salibster" blog, but I didn't want the responsibility of having a topic. Haha. Eh, lazy me.
So let's get this thing rollin'...
On Thursday in chem, someone was probably smoking marijuana in the Cunningham bathroom again...so we could smell that ishh. I personally hate that kinda stuff and the smell is just terrible. Anyways, we got ahold of a balloon while Salibster called the office to report the smoking and we hit it around like a beachball at the Dodger stadium... 
After that, I got bored and busted out the iPod and...

Solitaire time...!

Won on the first try. yaya.
See the checkered flag next to the 5 of diamonds?

Yeah boy.

I thought it appropriate, because it was Friday, to bring in some of my eats...
I brought TWO BURRITOS to school. It was so good. Hopped out of bed, heated up the goods and grabbed the sauce, all ready-to-eat in Ms Salibian's. Although, I only brought one to chemistry, it was still awesome. Not to mention Isabella shared her beloved Pocky with me...
I love burritos...

I like the strawberry Pocky the best but...

Oh yeah, and a
birthday shout out to Nicky Azama...
happy 17th man.
In chem...
[throws down pen]
Nicky: What?
Me: I think I actually
understand the work.
Nicky: Oh...
5 minutes later...
Nicky: YAHHHH!
Me: Did you figure it out too?
Nicky: Hell no nigga! I just got pocket rockets on hold 'em.
[holds up phone]

My dad surprised me with a present today...
tennis shoesThese are sick.
It's so beautiful...
Reppin' Shanghai
My camera is just retarded. It's black, not some weird shade of purple.
And it matches with my equipment.

Love ya daddyo.
On a separate, more random note...
I found this random bag of danishes on the table...they're not bad, and easy to grab in the morning when I'm in a rush.
WOOOOHOOO for random, free food.We also went to Black Angus tonight...pics are on dad's Voyager, I'll bluetooth them later. Oh yeah,
did I mention my dad has a frickin' Voyager. I have an enV2. eh.
My brother is back at home for the night! Cool. We played ping pong and both took 2 games each...I had to finish my blogging. etc.
I'll post on the details later...But there was a really really good burger involved, two steaks, some chocolate ice cream cake and some really bad, no, TERRIBLE onion rings.