These are two of my best friends, Chubby and Rhino. (Picture taken in mandarin 3). I promised I'd put 'em on my blog.
They're weird. I'm weird. We get along well.

You may not be able to tell it from the picture, but they like to creep, just fyi.

Locker Art
Jake & Mitchell's locker...An unpredictable sight. This thing can be messy as heckk...

Or look something like this...
Both my phone and iPod were dying by the end of the day. I hate walking around with a dead phone, iPod, camera or any electronic for that matter. It really bugs me. I charge my phone everyday because I run the battery down everyday (All the texting and picture taking, etc.) I also don't like getting home late...I guess that's why I don't look forward to tennis practice, because I know it means I'll get home around 5:30 - 6ish. My enV2 battery doesn't last long. It's depressing. I'll have my phone fully charged in the morning, and by second period it'll already be down to 3 out of 4 bars left. :[ Speaking of phones and texting...I just checked my Verizon account online. Our billing cycle reset on Jan. 23, and in those 3 days since then, I have sent 4512 texts. I don't know whether to be proud and try to predict my text count at the end of the month, or to be worried about thumb arthritis.
So I went to Ronnie's Diner the other week. I had a double cheeseburger with fries and ranch sauce.
It was so juicy and tasty...Delicious. And the ranch sauce? Palatable. Love it.

On the way out, I saw this sign...
Not your everyday superhero.
What kind of Superhero would you be?...but wait, there is a downside!...
[fat albert on steroids] You have super strength, but you're also super fat
[flying pig status] You have the ability to fly, but you have extremely short and stubby limbs
[hormonal pregnant woman] You are able to read minds, but you are plagued by constant nausea and mood swings
[evan almighty + play dough] You are a shapeshifter, but you always have a huge, obnoxious, unshaveable beard
[super helen keller] You have laser vision, but you're deaf.
[the invisible shrek] You can become invisible, but you're also a super ugly abomination
Alright, well tell me which you prefer. I tried to spice it up a bit and make it a little interesting. I'm still cracking up about [hormonal pregnant woman].
We had crabcakes and ravioli for dinner tonight. I wasn't very hungry.

Pretty good actually. I love good tasting sauce.
Today was just one of those days. I guess I let a lot of little stuff get to me, maybe. But not a lot seemed to go well, and my day overall was kind of a bummer. I was just trying to survive through the day. I just let school happen to me while I sat back and spaced out. Haha. I was so wiped today. When I woke up, I was so tired and I felt like trash. I had to take a second to remember how to speak english because my first words of the day sounded like gibberish. I knocked out in my asian studies class again and my teacher woke me up. I thought I was in trouble but I just had to choose my topic for our Final project. I woke up and was thinking "What Final project?" I glanced at the clock and there was only 5 minutes left in the period. haha. I'm feeling kind of anxious. Especially after 6th period today.
I got a mess load of work and stuff to take care of...have to get on the ball. My APUSH teacher totally grilled me today. Man it sucks having both your parents work/teach at your school...Not to mention I have both of them for something. Math with the mother and tennis with daddyo. Eh...I don't want to go into depth with the whole situation...But I was pretty down. Guess you could say I was convicted.
I guess that wasn't as "quick" as I had expected, but whatever.
I have to start my work
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