Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Post RIP Billy Mays...
cracked me up so hard the first time i saw it...
but...i guess its just a classic now.
...whatever the heck that means.
stupid enV2...its ridonkulous. my phone died this morning around noon, so i charged it and unplugged it immediately as it finished (i so happened to see the screen turn to "charge complete") and it died around an hour and a half ago. its not like i even had any long phone calls...in this case, nothing over 3 minutes. okay, i sent 2 picture messages, but ive sent way more than that before and the battery has still lasted longer...im not on mobile IM or anything, so whats the dealio??
anyways. shout out to the fatties. im craving froyo right now...
quick poll—How do you reference frozen yogurt?
or just "frozen yogurt".
i have no idea if anyone actually uses "zenyo" or "zengurt" but i figured that i have to think of the other combinations
yeah. remember those folks? a source of procrastination during the school year, and a time killer during summer...so why not?
Be Spontaneous
1. Where were you an hour ago?
in the shower
2. Who will be your next kiss?
not exactly sure, but a girl.
3. What kind of deodorant do you use?
old sice
4. Are you wearing socks right now?
nope barefoot
5. When was the last time you went out of the state?
2 years ago to mexico
6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
i wish...!
7. What was the last thing you had to drink?
uhh...water i think.
8. What are you wearing right now?
shirt and boxers.
9. What was your last purchase?
food...at sushi mac
10. Last food you ate?
double burger ftw.
11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
yellow jacket hooded shirt
13. Do you have a pet?
nope. my fish all died and my turtle ran away.
14. What's the last sporting event you watched?
wimbledon. but stupid nadal didn't enter though.
15. Where did u go today?
tennis key and the bathroom.
16. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
good question...theres a lot of places actually
17. What is the last thing you purchased online?
sunglasses and 2 hooded shirts.
20. Do you miss anyone?
21. Last play you saw?
i have no frickin idea
22. What are your plans for the day?
uhh...go to sleep very soon.
23. Ever go to camp?
yes sir. every summer. every year.
24. What is on the ad on the myspace page right now?
im actually not on myspace. haha...
that obviously failed.
good night.
i was once told...
im seriously crossing my fingers every time i click to save the video because im really scared its not going to record.
i had an instance like this today where i was trying to reply to melissa with a video instead (to switch it up) but facebook failed 4 freaking times...gosh its stupid talking to a screen for 20 minutes straight only to be let down by utter failure.
anyways, i resorted to recording and posting it on youtube, and then linking her to the video. lol.
sorry melissa!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
tonight is one of those nights where im at my desk and my brother is sitting 10 feet away to the side, where we're just minding our own business as if the other doesn't exist, really.
at least its to the point where we're so focused and engrossed in our own activities we dont take time to interact...
i dunno. ever since college, he seems less approachable and more detached. he said he's working on something so i don't wanna bother him. oh well.
our interactions seem to become more and more limited...
well it started out with a purpose, but then i just started writing whatever came to mind.
he's balling. he's on a roll.
God bless.
@ Diana Yu
“Time Does Not Bring Relief: You All Have Lied”
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Time does not bring relief; you all have lied
Who told me time would ease me of my pain!
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,
And last year’s leaves are smoke in every lane;
But last year’s bitter loving must remain
Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.
There are a hundred places where I fear
To go,—so with his memory they brim.
And entering with relief some quiet place
Where never fell his foot or shone his face
I say, “There is no memory of him here!”
And so stand stricken, so remembering him.
she asked for our input. our thoughts.
and so i responded: i once agreed with this poem...but have now found that time does, to some extent, bring relief. and so to discredit time as a pain reliever, at least for me, would be unjust in my case. although the relief i have come to know is not exclusively because time, i do believe that the timing of all things, and a certain open mindset eventually relieves a haunted heart.
the glory is for neither time or individual, but that which whose plan is sovereign above all. thanks be to the One who chooses to show mercy and grace in my life.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
...but i think it would normally be one of those nights...
so wtheck am i doing?
sometimes its like i feel that some days just aren't meant for happiness. so stupid.
i guess that happiness is impossible without sadness...and today is one of those neutral days?...
who knows.
haha but this still cracks me up
Friday, June 26, 2009
passage #1
he says reading this won't waste my time. i trust it won't.
...but im really hungry.
"How many times can a man look up and not see the sky? There is a sky up there to be seen. You may look up ten thousand times and say you don't see it. But that has absolutely no effect on its objective existence. It is there. And one day you will see it. How many times must you look up before you see it? There is an answer. The answer, The answer, myf riend, is not yours to invent or create. It will be decided for you. It is outside you. It is real and objective and firm. One day you will hear it. You don't create it. You don't define it. It comes to you, and sooner or later you conform to it—or bow to it."
tomorrow, i'm meeting with ryan to plan for VBS...but im not sure how that will go.
haha...uhg we got lots of work to do. surprisingly, summer is just as busy as school...just different stuff.
im tired and cant think...but i had a 3x3 at in n out instead of a 4x4 w/animal style fries because my dad refused to get me it. lol
next time...next time...
and shout out to melissa if you're reading!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
really tired...i think im playing tennis tonight with mitchell.
uhg my stomach hurts like a mother flower lover brother sister father daughter's nephew.
went to Free B!rds today, and they were just like Chipotle...except more expensive.
anyways! ill put up pictures of the burrito later.
i need a massage and a stomach rub. hahah
the reason my mother is the most awesome turd in the world.
she totally didn't know i was recording.
awesome. HAHA...goodnight.
i used to dread thursdays.
melissa: happy thursday :)
me: lol. haha. thursdays...i used to dread thursdays
melissa: D:
me: because that was when i had piano lessons...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
dad: you should get out and play some tennis today
me: eh. nah...
dad: why not? what do you have planned for today?
me: well i gotta save the world at 2pm and i have a date with destiny at 8:30. im too busy.
dad: you need to go out and get some exercise.
me: and saving the world isn't physically strenuous?!
dad: ........you need to stay in shape for tennis.
me: stay in shape? stay in shape!!?? are you kidding me??!! im the Channing Tatum of the Chew family, baby!
hahhahahha...i love sarcasm with a passion.
because i feel like it.

about a couple of past instances...
"you out clubbin'? but i just made caramel delights" awesome.
tonight, i was forced to play tennis with my dad because a certain douche bailed out last minute, so i was forced/bribed into playing doubles at 9pm - 11pm at night with some 40+ years old people. oh well...i have a rain check for froyo or coldstones. sweetness yo.
speaking of which, since i didn't throw a BF (when was the last time you heard that) at watts, my dad is getting me some kbbq. haha i feel so spoiled—just because i behaved im rewarded. xD
Sunday, June 21, 2009
not so zen
i've been having an abnormally frequent craving for tempura lately...i think it was all the kifune trips. (we always go here for lunch after finals) i LOVE their tempura...they always have heavy and crisp panko...i can't get enough of itt....ahh.
the stress has started up again...except more tension between domestic relationships, not school.
i went to sushi mac the other day, and my last post was supposed to be super awesome, but its not...so to make a long story short: it was unredeemable fail.
eat. recuperate. sleep.
Even if I did
I really wouldn’t care
Shut up and drive
I don’t mean to be mean
But your conversation
Would just contaminate my air
On a whole other planet today
We need no other population
So be prepared to be turned away
If you’re attempting hesitation
And if anyone asks
If anybody’s looking for me
You can tell them this is where I’ll be
I'm in the back seat all alone
And I just don’t feel like talking
That’s why I’ve got the glasses on
Spare me the question
Don’t strain yourself
Trying to make me think
You care if I’m okay
None of your concern
If this has anything to do
With the fact
She left a year ago today
I’m ignoring the world
Just for a little while
I know it may seem strange
‘Cause normally this ain’t my style
But just for today
I’m gonna spend a little time with misery
So if you’re looking for me
Baby, this is where I’ll be
Fighting back the tears
today is like...fathers day.
yay. happy daddy day...
i need
hug...e piece of cake.
how awesome is that. they're USB flash drives.
i am out of shape and slowly but surely moving towards obesity. CRAP. i need to watch my diet and exercise more. uhggggggggggg. i haven't worked out for x amount of days because of finals and i can't seem to muster up the discipline to start again. SLOTH ]:
Saturday, June 20, 2009
When she looks like an angel
A moment of her time just seems impossible to me
It’s hard to find the words, to get to know this stranger
I’m scared of what she’ll say if what I say sounds incomplete
And it feels like we belong together
Can someone tell me where do I start
Cuz, I can’t keep on feelin’ the way I do
I can’t keep on, hiding my heart from you
I got to say something before
Someone else comes through,
I can’t keep on loving you,
From a distance
She’s always on my mind, there’s no room left for thinking
I’m tired of waiting slowly fading it needs to happen now.
Cuz I’m running out of time, and I feel this ship is sinking
The doors are closing I am frozen I need her around
And it feels like we belong together
Can someone tell me where do I start
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
not too excited because its US history and Math 2. ehh.
well anyways, i just finished playing COD5 Nacht Der Untoten...we were on level 18 when my dad kicked me off...ehh...
anyways!! kbbq at tahoe galbi was tizzighttt...i wasn't so impressed by the food this time, but the company was great.
there was a couple of people that pissed me off on the team...who made uncalled for remarks on des...screw that.
we had fun after, though. some of us went to the Marina...almost got kicked out...but ended up watching Up. no pun intended.
...it was raining when i woke up around 6:30 this morning, but it was actually a really nice day...i cant wait for summer vacation...just 1 more week and then finals...and then...total total zen time...so looking forward to this break, and im excited for yet daunted by the idea of handling the responsibilities of a senior...
i should be sleeping, so PEACE!
p.s. i sleep without a shirt on tonight.
its kind of hot in our house. wt