So that means only two more days. Wooooh. Also, Lovers' Day is in 3. Pretty stoked for this...My cabin is going to be just me, Noah, Ryan and Blane. As Ryan puts it, "There's going to be a lot of BROMANCE." Haha. I have to remember to take lots of pictures. This is going to be fun. I hope everything will be chill, in terms of *ahem. I'm really looking forward to this 3 day weekend. Another long weekend and another short week...Once again, do you see a downside? Because as far as I'm concerned, I don't.
Oh yeah.
I'm pretty disappointed. Haha. I was really hoping for the Wong Fu shirts to be in by now...But they're not. Maybe I'm just very impatient and really anxious/excited to get them, but if they don't come in by tomorrow, I'm going sad. Haha. Darn.

I'm trying to do my hair differently when it gets long. Since my hair makes a natural fauxhawk...I thought why not sort of go with it. I like it? I'm so tired. I'm so hungry...and I've been eating too much red meat, but I can't stop! Someone help me.
...internet shut out here...
resumed blog entry starting here...
Did I mention that if you spend $10 at Yogurt Land, then you get one of these awesome shirts?

Well, I got one.
I just had some chicken spinach salad...Mmmmm. Nom nom.
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