Remember the Lakers vs Cavaliers game bet?
Well the wednesday Bible Study group went out to Ma Po Korean BBQ for AYCE meat. After rounding everyone up, we left in two cars: Blane's and Patrick's...It took forever to find this "Ma Po" and on the way into this sketchy neighborhood, there was some sort of car accident...idk what happened but I just saw these people gathered around a body laying on the ground...Seemed pretty tragic. Shoot though...haha. Uh...anyways. We finally got there, and I guess that I am just spoiled with Tahoe Galbi and Manna, but this place wasn't anything special. The chadol was fairly lean which was good, the beef tongue was decent and the marinated beef wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything special. Not to mention that there was no bulgogi and or kalbi. :/ The service was slow even though the restaurant was pretty much empty and you had to tell them about 30 times before they actually did anything. Oh yeah, and the waitresses started giving us the "more meat!?" attitude by the second order. Who do they think they're serving here? We got like 10 hungry faces to feed. BRING IT.
Hm...Question. Do I look korean? I only ask because the lady asked me if I was korean. I have heard that I can pass as PART korean or something...but maybe it was just because I asked for "chadol" instead of "brisket"
Oh well. I didn't have to pay the $15.99, so I'm going to stop complaining.
After coming home from school, I noticed that my mother and father had a small little "talk". Honestly, I was a bit afraid, because when they have their private little talks, I usually assume conspiracy. To my relief, when it came time that they would announce what it was they discussed, they declared that we would go to some new frozen yogurt place tonight called "Twist". A rare act of benevolence? Quite so. And we had a coupon or something. WOoohhoo.
So we drove over to this place and finding parking was a pain (there was some car drama), but when we got there I was pleasantly surprised. There were more flavors than I had expected, definitely more toppings than I had expected and the service was quite friendly...
Conclusion? Twist is officially CFA. What, you may ask, does this stand for?
Chew Family Approved.
How does it compare to Yogurtland?, you may ask.
- Twist has a wider selection of toppings, including FLAVORED mochi. HOWEVER. They DiD NOT HAVE ORiGIN!AL FLAVORED mochi...Sort of disappointing :/ - Twist is $0.33 an ounce, as opposed to Yogurtland at $0.30 an ounce.
- Yogurtland gave me a free shirt after $10 of yogurt was purchased (February only)
- Ambiance and staff friendliness were about equal.
- Management and organization seemed a tad "unprofessional", despite their friendliness. (Signs were hand written, etc.)
- I did appreciate the fact that Twist had lots of space to sit and move around. I did not have to squeeze around trying to get yogurt.
- Yogurtland has cooler spoons.
- Both provides sample taster cups.
Which is better? That's up for you to decide. TRY TWiST.
12105 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 481-2224
Haha. When I was taking pictures at Twist, my parents were laughing at the fact that I was taking a copious amount of, and any pictures at all. Oh well, they'll have to get used to it...eventually.

All this talk of food is really getting me hungry...
I think I'm going to eat real fast or something. I'm feeling very hungry and tired right now.
Haha. When I was taking pictures at Twist, my parents were laughing at the fact that I was taking a copious amount of, and any pictures at all. Oh well, they'll have to get used to it...eventually.
All this talk of food is really getting me hungry...
I think I'm going to eat real fast or something. I'm feeling very hungry and tired right now.
one day, you should introduce me to korean bbq.
ReplyDeletehahah... does your whole family use the CFA system?! I've never heard of flavored mochi in a yogurt place. i'll go try twist one day.
haha nah i just made it up. but i think ill be using it more in the future.