NO EATING...for 30 hours ]:
its sounds
it IS torture T.T
oh well. it's for a good cause.
we're raising money to feed starving kids in 3rd world countries.
$1 feeds a kid for one day
all donations are tax deductible
this is going to be difficult for me. not gonna lie.
im on hour 11 or something.
we break the fast at 2pm tomorrow. Wooooh.
my parents are at In N Out right now. and im stuck without food...
i am jealous of people going on cruises right now or very soon...very jealous. Lol.
i was craving food so bad...i drew sushi on my math test xD
*cough tiff cough*
we just got our VISAs to go on OUR cruise in
wow. talking and thinking about food is just killing me.
im torturing myself. gah!
oh and my brother is back from UCLA. yay.
and my adopted brothers, Greg and Nick are also in town
we're gonna hit up some KBBQ's!
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