uhm...i think i did something bad to my head.
i am blogging.
this morning, i ate the peanut butter puffin cereal that nom nom sent me.
i played ryan and elias in tennis.
i won 6-3 against ryan and 6-1 against elias...
uhh...my stomach hurts.
i ate a lot of food at club expo...i think i ate half of our club's food...that we were suposed to sell.. wooops.
OH. we randomly had cupcakes...even though we are chinese club.
i ate those too.
i felt totally G rockin my johnny cupcake shirt that nom nom gave me :D
ow. i get these periodic head throbs.
i dont want to say why my head hurts because its stupid.
and you will laugh.
or maybe you will be like "wtf"
math test...i did better.
i haven't talked for a couple of hours.
i super glued my phone case.
crazy glue ftw.!
my stomach is killing me.
i swear...that mocha frappacino i had in the morning was a bad idea.
it had me cracked up all but i crashed so hard...and during the wrong time.
the time i was awake...uhm it was like 97% high energy 3% focus
did this make sense? i heard something about shrimp scampi for dinner.
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