Sunday, April 26, 2009

stolen from nicko

1. Have you ever had braces?

2. Do you think you're pretty?
im PRETTY...hungry right now.

3. Do you brush your teeth daily?
2 to 3 times a day

4. If you forget to brush them, do you feel gross?

5. What was the last thing that you printed?
camp forms

6. Did you vote for Obama?
im only 16......i would have voted for green party though...sike

7. Do you have a cell? If so, what kind do you have?
yes. lg env2...i abhor verizon...uhg.

8. Do you have any annoying cousins?
they're all 7 and under...uhm.

9. What's your favorite number?

10. What about color?
blue in general...but it depends on what.

11. What color socks are you wearing?
mostly white with grey heels and black stripes....................adidas

12. Name 5 things you want to do before you die.
get married and have children take over the world. nom nom nom munch
2. become yelp elite (this goal is sort of on hold, until i am legal and qualified)
3. travel...A LOT.
4. have eaten an expansive variety of food (always down for new food!...almost always.)
5. jizz in my pants from eating something that amazing.

13. Do you like Miley Cyrus?
i don't know her songs. i dont really care.

14. What about Jonas Brothers?
same as 13

15. Do you play an instrument?
used to...not really anymore.

16. If so, have you ever been to band camp?
im too cool for that, yo! haha...nah. ive just never been.

17. What's your favorite shape?
cupcake-shaped...or aviator ish shaped

18. Do you doodle a lot in school?
a little...some...enough...yeah.

19. What was your worst subject?
history...darn it.

20. What kind of music do you listen to?
hip hop, rap, r&b...some rock and alternative? used to listen to some j-pop.

21. Have you ever heard of Britt Nicole?
singer? never heard any of her songs though.

22. Are your nails painted? this survey for girls?

23. Have you ever been to a spa?

24. Do you go tanning?

25. Does anything hurt on your body?

meh...ive taken better surveys.

flashback psycho.

some used to say i had a big heart.
tell me i have a heavy heart.
tell me i have a cold heart.
tell me i am heartless.
—tell me i have an icebox where my heart used to be.

I once had faith in who I thought were warm people.
But I found everyone is ice in a world cold as snow.
Not a winter wonder land.
A fantasy gone wrong.

You can't hide who you are from the world forever.
Who you really are isn't hard to discover.
Put up your facade when you face the the world.
Everything you think is based on what you are told.
You show your true colors
When you're "under the covers",
In the back stage,
But I can see right through you
Like the glass on a gauge.
Dodge me true
You think you're fast
You won't get by, I can see right past
Because I can read you like the gauge in the glass
I can see right through you and read your intentions.
God, please help me with divine intervention.
From a world so sick, I'm sorry that I'm part of it too.
There's no point of lying because You can see right through.

Establish a maze, a wall around your "heart".
To hide your non-existent heart. Say I contradict myself, a controversy of paradox.
You're a heartless being. Haha. Isn't it Ironic.
We're all slowly going insane.
Use this maze you created and like Jig-Saw—
You want to play a game.
Step on whoever it takes to make yourself a name.
Do whatever it takes to make it to fame.
You're not any different from anyone else
You're all the same.

Mind my own buisness.
Tell me "Go back to the country you came from"

What do you hold close to yourself?

Maintain your own safety.
Compromise yourself.
Strive for complacency. Haha.
I laugh.

But you're heartless.
We're all heartless.
Maybe you don't know,
Or say that you aren't, [or at least that you show..]
Yeah whatever.
You piss me off.
We all have a soul,
You have yours, and it has its own goals;
Establish the American Dream, strive for complacency.
But your soul watches from the inside,
Waiting for corruption.
Giving into greed—
Pride and seduction.

but you're nothing
that i once thought you were.
i once thought we were alike.
but nobodys the same.

but maybe someday i'll be just like you
and step on people like you do
pissed off at people
who are teaching me how to hate.
i'll let my words fly and hope this world is great.
"things will work out for the best", it's all part of fate.

It's people like you.
Who make people like me.

I have a heart.
This muscle still beats.
But it pumps streams of ice
Out on the streets.

like im stupid standing for
what im standing for
i'm sick of being treated like i have before.

you don't know what you got til it's gone.

I guess this is fate.



im tired...really tired.

and that was disgusting. i can't believe that once came from me.

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